Saturday, September 6, 2008

Baby B, wait until you see . . .




Check out this little tot!  Isn't she the sweetest thing!  She was so much fun and I love her!  Ok so we are related, but that makes it even more fun!   To mom:  I will have them all for ya soon, because they are too fun to edit!  And the perfect new header . . .


Marissa Vargason said...

Ann!!! Those are absolutely gorgeous!! You did wonderful! Love them!

Megan and Jon said...

These are fantastic, what a doll she is.

The Todds said...

I love them!!! You are amazing!! I am so excited to see the rest. I will be patiently waiting!

Doin' It Digital (Shannon C.) said...

So cute Ann!!! It always helps to have a cute subject. :) I love the new header with the little saying. You are so good at what you do.

...DAVE and KATHRYN... said...

SO CUTE!!! I would love to see all of them when they're in the 'proofs' section, so maybe you can send me the login info :) I didn't know you were doing Ang's sister's bridals--very cute as well!